Indra Kumar’s adult comedy ‘Grand Masti’ mints Rs 67 crore at the box-office in the opening week. Trade analyst Taran Adarsh tweeted about the break-up, Friday 12.51 crore, Saturday 13.21 crore, Sunday 14.46 crore, Monday 7.75 crore, Tuesday 7.42 crore, Wednesday 6.25 crore and Thursday 5.40 crore, totaling 67 crore.
The film made a roaring business at the box-office with 26 crores in just 2 days and became the fourth highest opening of the year, 2013. Though the film was criticized by critics for its dark sex comedy, and double meaning dialogue, audience gave a grand welcome to ‘Grand Masti’. There was 60-70 percent occupancy in theatres and the film has done exceptional business at the box-office. The film made an exceptional 40.50 crore in the opening weekend.
The film made 12.6 crores in the opening day occupying the fourth position after ‘Çhennai Express’, ‘Ýeh Jawaani Hai Deewani’, ‘Race 2’ The film continues to rule at the box-office in the weekend as well and on Saturday it made a total of 3.25 crore and on Sunday the film collected 15 crore nett totaling to 40.50 crores in the first weekend.
‘Horror Story’ and ‘John Day’ which was released on the same day lagged behind, ‘Horror Story’ can only made 70 lakhs and ‘John Day’ very less.
Made on budget of 35 crores, the film starts Vivek Oberoi, Aftab Shivdasani and Riteish Deshmukh in the leading role with bunch of new actresses Sonalee Kulkarni, Kainaat Arora, Maryam Zakaria, Manjari Phadnis, Karishma Tanna and Bruna Abdullah opposite them.
Vivek is overwhelmed with the film response and he tweeted, "Party! Milap. After a humungous start, Grand Masti (earned) even better than Friday on Saturday with Rs 13.5 crore! Grand total is now Rs 26 crore in just two days!"," Vivek posted on Twitter.
Vivek who is basking in the joy of ‘Grand Masti’ missed friend Riteish, who is busy shooting for Sajid Khan's Humshakals, which is being produced by Vashu Bhagnani.
"Missing @Riteishd my darling 'Masti-Khor', wish you were here to party and celebrate with us bhauuuuu! Incomplete without you man! Come back na! (sic)," Vivek tweeted.
Aftab too tweeted about the film’s success, "Been such an eventful Friday and Saturday! Completely elated and overwhelmed by the response," he posted on the micro-blogging site.
Vivek who is basking in the joy of ‘Grand Masti’ missed friend Riteish, who is busy shooting for Sajid Khan's Humshakals, which is being produced by Vashu Bhagnani.
"Missing @Riteishd my darling 'Masti-Khor', wish you were here to party and celebrate with us bhauuuuu! Incomplete without you man! Come back na! (sic)," Vivek tweeted.
Aftab too tweeted about the film’s success, "Been such an eventful Friday and Saturday! Completely elated and overwhelmed by the response," he posted on the micro-blogging site.
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